Waking up from dreaming...still screaming at myself wondering why it keeps seeming to still be just a dream....but in reality mathematically nothing adds up to be what its supposed to add up to....so I do what I have to do....from fake to real...false to true...what would anyone do...if they kept going through....changes?
Dreams slipping through...moving eyes when closed...thoughts of opening to something new but still the same...who's to blame..? There is no gain in life's game....it's a shame to aim for something that you really want...and you dream of fame...do things...see...touch...feel...have...but back to reality...
The world is expensive...everything has a cost...dreams are lost...expectation never reached...seems like lies what priest has preached...homeless living in the streets...leeched of what they once had...a home...a husband or wife a child that once called him or her mom or dad our country is the best but we live so bad...
It's so sad to strip dreams that people once had...places they wanted to go expectations parents wanted to see...but...back to reality....reality is harsh in a complexed kind of way...we could be gone tomorrow...but we're here today.... a dream is a wish your heart makes...enjoy the fakes...feel what is real... throw away the false capture the true...I can still dream...can you? -Peter T. DeSpirito