Men loosened Justice's blindfold So she could "see the evidence" they said She protested and tried to fix it, but her scales fell out of balance.
Peace asked her why? Justice cried and her tears wilted Peace's olive branch the dove drank the salt water and got sick.
Hope tried to console Peace and Justice, But when she saw the blindfold amiss and the dove sick her fragile heart couldn't take it, and she died.
Love tried to revive Hope but she knew it wouldn't work, because she couldn't gather enough of Hope's soul to bring her back.
And for that Peace and Justice Shunned her, rebuked her they said she was useless and banished her to a far northern land.
So Love fled from men's hearts and found herself with Patience, cast into exile Patience was happy because Loneliness fled, But Love longed for her former life.
And with Hope dead it didn't take long for Sorrow to smite her.