'If you think education is expensive, try ignorance'
I read this sticker on a car that cut me off today and it made me wonder if the driver even read her message on display Its message combines ignorance with what one can pay for college Yet it seemed her expensive education left out a little bit of knowledge
HER ignorance was blinding, it was all that I could see... Beaming from the drivers seat of this shiny SUV
Everything inside of me wanted to follow this woman home, say to her face to face what I'm writing in this poem
I'd let her how her sticker makes her look like such a fool, And I'd say it proudly on behalf of us who couldn't afford to go to school
How her ignorance of driving laws and her ignorance toward me made this message sickening enough to brew an anger inside of me Her actions makes her bumper sticker offensive, can't you see Ignorance will always outshine a shiny college degree