In Florida the ground doesn't rise to meet the sky no cliffs overlook the sea barely a change in landscape except the burial grounds paved over to make room for the cemeteries of those who come here to pass.
Flat as a plain, hurricanes can rip apart homes and condominiums and steal the sand pumped on the beaches to keep them white as bone. washing away our filth spreading red tide.
but during the summer, when you can forget all of this, our clouds billow up thousands of miles high lightning their crown and thunder their trumpets heralding a sudden downpour.
we get a new mountain everyday. shifting into new forms of heaven wild unbound by property legislation separate from silent segregation of these southern cities. un-phased by the shutters on the windows of the beach homes owned by those who visit in passing, when convenient.
a glimpse of these peaks sends me a smile driving into downtown no matter how weary
here's a secret locals know sunsets are more beautiful when you look away from the horizon. (the only western water sunset on the east coast!- only $200 a night!)
at the colors cascading through the endless bounds of the clouds.