And I keep hearing bangs and booms inside my head and of course no one else can, but I can, and it's killing me because I feel like parts of me are being ripped out and rearranged and stuffed back together and people are trying to stitch my life together, but they can't without any thread and they don't even have a needle that can pull through this mess, anyways, which is besides the point because it's not like they could ever find anything to fill such a gap that they've torn and I keep saying "they" like they're some anonymous group of murderers set out to torture me but they're not and I know I'm probably overreacting to everything and no one wants to hear the poor sad sob story of the sad lonely girl who is having "troubles" when everyone else is half dead inside too and I'm sorry, But, for one moment just let me cry, or just let me cry forever. Bang Clang Rattle THUD.