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Nov 2019
We're born, 
we live, we 
Upon arrival,   
they give us   
numbers, and   
inject the   
system into   
our veins.   
We're given     
a name and told   
what is wrong   
and what is right,   
how to act, and how   
to live 
We remain in their   
prison, without   
asking ourselves..   
We're not safe. They will always turn a blind eye to our loud cry.     
Conditioned  to produce in   
a capitalistic world. It's about time we rise up and revolt or fema camps will be our end result.   
programmed to follow   
the rules and smile   
when our eyes look   
sad, let's  mount up and   
rock big brothers   
Iron clad.   
We built this country   
with our bare hands, but they   
took what was ours and     
made it theirs. Now we're     
under their demands.     
Don't be   
another sheep   
in the herd,   
let your mind   
be heard.   
We don't   
have two eyes.   
such thing   
as a third.   
We're not just   
some number.   
One day we'll 
rise up and you'll   
feel the wrath of   
our thunder.
Written by
Jeffrey Robinson
   Bogdan Dragos
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