Why the belated savagery? Why pierce my flesh, perchance to bleed? On precipice high my principles already leak down my shirt and drip from golden-bangled wrists to paint the ledge in leaky watercolors of loss.
Numbness, is that all we want? we freeze our brows, and beating hearts so none may dare to show inflection, Or galloping strides of untamed lust much less the small, sweet, flickering Love that sits, whitefeathered, in that gilded cage Oh, sweet she hums, her plumage falling as hopes of freedom slip away.
Oh, cruel is passing time Oh, fate; how idle you creep by, and then I wake in fervour, nightmare-hot His gaze has passed me by at last I should have silenced all my cracks and filled in flaws with repartee and been undamaged Demeter rich flowing harvest, aglow with life oh, shame to wither to that dark of day.
.....We wish for deliverance, grant it Us; for what good are we, as faded cloth? None wish to sew the fantasy tapestry on patches, holes and crinkled past You must not show these embarrassments and so the poison is paid for gladly and so you never know our fear and so; the eyes will linger longer and so we hold our Place, still here.