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Mar 2013
What happened to the girl who was always happy?
A smile still there, but no longer true.
Her eyes show she's crying for help.
What happened to her confidence, her self-esteem?
Now lower than ever, barely there.
She hates her body.
Envious of her friends.
Tiny waist, perfect face.
She thinks of a razor and scans her skin.
Wondering if people will notice, if they'll care.
She thinks of anorexia.
Will they notice if she doesn't eat?
She's lost in this world of perfection and beauty.
Will she ever be found?
Drowning in her self-hatred
She cries and pleads,
For the day someone realizes.
The moment they see how much pain she's in.
This is a much older poem. Not one of my favorites.
Written by
Emma Spalding
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