There was a great sadness that enveloped us A great gladness A certain beautiful glorious madness In our dreams is a world without pollution or decay A world where our ancestors stood tall and strong and proud because all that was done was done with their hands and the work they did they could truly call honest and good
We will never have flying cars We will never have green cities We will never explore the far reaches of space because we donβt deserve it We were given an earth of wonder by God our creator and we have forsaken it to live in middle class comfort Every Bluetooth signal and Current Year Ford Focus is an affront to God Every industrial creation is a sin in which limited forgiveness can be given Every day I am losing patience
Deep in the woods of community park East there is a tree Completely stripped of bark and branches it stands as a spire, White as bone and without blemish Around the base of this tree there grows vines and bushes of mysterious variety If I were not Christian I would feel compelled to bow in worship or in reverence to this holy spire of nature Oh Elder column of wood Oh spirit of Earth, if such spirits exist As I stare at its silent power as 100 or more feet behind me lies a wealthy suburban neighborhood Unknowing of the sacred ground on which their McMansions are built
There is an idea deep inside those of us who see the writing on the wall Those of us not deluded by the myth of progress The arc of history is long and it bends ever towards that day when Nature finally conquer the last human endeavor to subjugate it And on that day we will stand tall and strong and proud because all that was done was done with our hands and the work we did we could truly call honest and good Just like those who came before us long long ago And God will see it And He will see it is good