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Oct 2019
A familiar face
A strong sense
Just one look!
And she gave back whatever she took.

Ringing wedding bells,
In my mind.
All around glitters and smiles
Making me feel I am one of a kind
The people who were against me once
Are now just away from a glance
WithΒ Β a high hope of starting something new
I forgot there's still some torn yet to sew.
Just behind my bride
Stood my lady

A familiar face
A strong sense
Just one look!
And she gave back whatever she took.

Standing in black
As if dark clouds draped her back
A firm face never seen before
My heart got silent even at the core
Nothing else to demand
But a lot to clear
Speechless she made me
Just by saying nothing
Sunsets in her eyes
Tides in my tears
Just like before
She again got lost
Without saying goodbye.
Illusion? It can't be
She was just there
But this time with an heir

A familiar face
A strong sense
Just one look!
And she made me realise
I have nothing left to lose.
Written by
ADRIJA  20/F/Kolkata
   Bogdan Dragos
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