Distance is my enemy Space has imprisoned me This void swallows me whole Holding my heart in a vice until you are here to release it.
Miles of highway hold me hostage Rope made of time binds my soul My dreams are my only solace until you return to my arms.
Solitude is torture when there is someone you crave to be next to, Loneliness starts to seep in, Covering my heart slowly until I feel as if I am drowning. The breathe being pulled out of my lungs, So painful, so intense, losing consciousness Being here without you literally causing so much pain.
Unfair fate, you tease me Allowing me to find my true love, my one and then not allow us to stay together. Cruel Karma, is this your will? To truly experience ecstasy Only to have it snatched away from me.
To wander in the darkness Knowing the position of my light But never being able to contain it. The time together seems to disappear in the blink of an eye While the seconds become days without you.