Rivers and canals weave there way inducing meditative contemplation of the delicate forces that govern this Earth. So violently beautiful in their soft movement, serene, invigorating. I am surrounded, envisioning a soft ride to Nirvana within this flow. I açhe, long for meaning, abolishing religious views forced. I desecrate your Christ for his failure, his illusionary tale all have bought. I pity the desperation so rampantly spread, an airborne contagion. I laugh at the book of of lies you live by to provoke reaction, see disgust, feel the loathing. I use holy water to inject misery. The one called Christ has yet to stop suffering as I fall towards the river cradling this cancer stricken çhild. Floating on pride realizing I am the power all seem to crave. I am the universal dream unseen, the tree which bares no fruit, the water,grass. I am a insect begging for survival, a clown in search of laughter, a parasite in search of a host, the leaf which falls upon the earth within the nights silence. I am decomposition which takes life, the horror which terrorizes the children at night, the silent scream, tortured dream