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Oct 2019
The years have flown by so fast
There have been ups, there have been downs
And while I’ll always cherish the past
I hope your future is filled with more smiles than frowns.
I have been wrong plenty of times in my relationship with your father, but every time I took an opportunity to learn something new. Tell your husband how much you love him, as often as you can. Be fun, but be real. Appreciate him for the man he is and the man he will become.
May you have the wedding you’ve always dreamed of, and a life beyond your wildest expectations.
May your husband be your shade from the sun, warm drink on a cool day, and a rainbow after every storm.
It is hard to believe that we are here on your big day, as you embark on this next journey in your life. I will never forget the drive to the hospital on the day I gave birth to you, and the drive back home with you in my arms. The day we first dropped you off at kindergarten seems like yesterday, and I’ll never forget the pride we watched you  approached every day of your life with passion and energy, and I have no doubt that your marriage will thrive because of
You have brought so much happiness and love to our lives and I am proud of everything you have accomplished in your life and the woman you have become.
I have loved you from day 1
I remember the little girl you use to be ,
We are joined together with loved ones to celebrate your union with a man who I know you love dearly. have your own family now, you will always be a part of  me You are a beautiful and loving daughter, sister, niece, and friend to everyone you meet, and I am so proud of the woman you have become.
It brings tears to my eyes to remember all of the years we shared together, from the day I brought you home to when we said goodbye Over the years I was amazed by everything you would do
But I wasn’t prepared for how quickly you grew
While I will always cherish these memories from our past,
Despite your growing up way too fast,
I can’t wait to see what adventures await
As you and your husband proceed out that gate
And know that you will always be the sweet little girl by my side
But today I am thrilled to celebrate my daughter, the bride Gina I love you no matter what always, and David my son in-law I'm sorry I have judge you wrong, I know you will take care of my beautiful wife I mean daughter
Jeannie Palma
Written by
Jeannie Palma  F/in darkness hours
(F/in darkness hours)   
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