Have you ever felt alone In a world so vast? Have you ever felt different As you look on at everyone else? Because I think a lot of us feel this way, Like foreigners in an unknown land, Or a round peg in a square hole Looking for community In which we can be fully unveiled And fully seen Because it’s when we’re stripped of all our masks That the heart has room to heal
But we are conditioned to hide our vulnerability And instead wear practiced smiles to conceal our deep down fears Maybe this is because many of us were raised by unsafe people Who failed to hold space for our tenderness as children And instead taught us to armor up And always be in a state of protection
It’s true, it may take time to find the people you can be “you” with, Without conformity and performance Your people will be those who accept you for the simple you— Without assessing your accomplishments, background, or identity In order to fit you into some social hierarchy And they’ll listen to you with an open heart And you’ll feel understood for the first time in a long time
But your people starts with you, My people starts with me, Our people starts with us Though there are many who currently prove themselves as unsafe to have our tenderness shared with, Boundaries are essential But for those who have gained and maintained our trust— We can open our gates and share the truth of who we are!
But even if right now, you can’t find anyone who is safe to be yourself with, Take time to cultivate this beautiful bond within yourself Allow both your vulnerability and your strength to be fully expressed And as you allow the full spectrum of who you are to be expressed, unaltered and unabashed, You will witness the gradual blossoming of yourself.