as a young girl she followed in her sisters footsteps because all little girls need a role model. she began to find lipstick imprints and long scratches on skin and sometimes not only her own. she was so confused as to why she had these marks and why all of her friends had them too. so when she went to go ask them she opened the door and a thick smoke had filled the entire room. "Get O U T!" the sister shouted, and without a second to think she ran into her room pulled out a journal and wrote down how much she shreeked. when her sister didn't want to to talk, she asked some girls at school exactly what her sister was doing. the girls smiled and laughed and soon asked her over so they could show her what it was all about.
she coughed and coughed and layed down in bed and she asked "I've never even kissed a boy." the girls only laughed as hecame in the room and the girls closed the door and walked away. she said it was a sin, but a sin can be forgiven if she goes to church this sunday. after all, her sisters friends come every sunday morning an hour early to pray.