Ferryman, will I rest in the white roses that can nevermore grow infirm- where the rivers from the deep blue forest are joined by currents of blood and ink?
Ferryman, the forest of the sky is beautiful like blue bitumen, verdigris life moves, expires and is reborn between the plane of those who do not die and above the garden of grief
"Come brother, let us sleep" the phantom says "One-Hundred and Fifty cuts cover me from head to waist- old and beautiful tears that keep me from sleep The heat of my lamp is ready to fade"
Ferryman,where in the house of shade shall I finally rest? The voice of my lord is broken and dried In the glade of cedar trees, air flushes and suffocates The blushing of the moonlight fades and the snowy stars elude her
Make me know the ways of righteousness The ferryman leads me down the tremulous waters his words have escaped me like the fearful night's eyes and in the distance the sudden emptiness of the roses