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Mar 2013
I was so sure
it was always fact

you and me
no hesitation

you were the guy
I loved you

and you said you loved me
and I believed you

than it felt wrong
how?when?why? I don't know

it just felt wrong
yet I kept pushing

because I needed to be sure
and if you were sure and I was sure

maybe it didn' have to be true
maybe no one had to know

except we both knew
and it was just a matter of time

Than finally the spark
which turned to a flame

before either of us knew what was happening
we burned it all down

so I lay there in the ruins of my life
wondering when the pain would end

but it never did
and life only sped up

I tried to slow it down
but nothing worked

and everything felt foreign
maybe because it was

this wasn't the world from yesterday
because that world had him

this wasn't the girl from yesterday
because that girl needed him

that other girl
so strong

yet her world fell apart
burned down in minutes

and this girl
this weak new girl in a foreign land

she's learning
a hard lesson a hard way

and with everyday
she grows stronger

and now she knows
it's okay to not be sure

as long as you're willing
to find out you're wrong
Written by
OneCorn  Fillory
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