Mindless drones gather together to defend their rights. Fetus growing in a mother's womb, fighting for it's life. Here I am laying in pools of my own ***** matter, regurgitated words resting at my feet. Dribble Drabble. "Yuck" I know. My eyes are open now to the world as a whole. Like a newborn infant seeing the world in color for the first time. Pity. Now he suffers the chance for the inevitable loss. You? You gave me this. I? I will not give gratitude to you, fowl creature, for something I hadn't the chance to refuse. Now I see the trash meet the man made pools of pollution The garbage piling, PILING, The roads winding, WINDING, THE LIGHTS BLINDING, THE TURTLES DYING, and your face binding. Oh, I HAVE played my own hand in this..... ... I *****. Never thought I'd wish so strongly to be blind..