Shhh they'll hear us. They musn't listen to our whispers.. Our silent screams of yearning.. of understanding.. Uneasy? Yes. Nervous? Yes. Scared? YES. Shhh! I told you I know not all the rules to this game, but I am trying to play fair. Rather be hurt than hurt. Remeber that? What of that? "Well" you are saying.. "run to me" beckon.. Tempted. I started on my way.. Torn. I stopped abruptly. Turned... and then... A glance back.. NO! Just keep walking away and don't look back. Walk? No.. Run. Straight ahead.. into the dead of night to the warmest arms you've ever had with the coldest emotion.
At once all is still.. silent.. breathless.. Safe. Yes safe.. Sadly comfortably safe. Just smile.