Do you remember Y2K? The panic we all felt? Everyone was going nuts Expecting the world to end.
Computers ran the world “they” said, And as the day drew near, "All numbers will return to zeroes, Crash all systems—we’ll be dead!"
No one knew how to respond, So, we prepared for emergency; stashed away food, water, batteries Then partied like t'was 1999 and waited to be Y2Ked.
Didn't happen, we panicked for nothing. 2000 came and went. It was all a big, fat, nothing-burger Until last week; and then
Wednesday, 10/2/ Twenty-Nineteen, When they checked the power at work, Our wireless routers didn't like it-- quit working just to be mean.
For three days and countless hours Chef instructor/IT man scrambled To find out what was wrong with our routers To learn why our network was dead.
Try after try, while we waited and prayed, Late on the 4th connections were made. Nineteen years too late, router clocks were all zeroes, We finally found out, we'd been Y2Ked!