What if we as women quit the “what if’s” and “but when’s” and “except he’s” and left him the first time we felt a rock drop in our bellies?
I whipped the trash bag into its receptacle today, worthlessness disguised as anger, and reapplied my make up three times because being late is the same as saying you don’t want me
Or I’m not good enough to race against the type of woman you’re used to.
I think of the ways I used to shame myself when this happened before, when a boy I loved didn’t mind enough to love me back the same way, or at all, but this time, I don’t reach for a blade I sip a drink -- a daughter takes after her father.
I use essential oils with scents of emotions I pray to feel -- scents like “uplifting” and “serene” and “relax”
Is there an essential oil the flavor of “*******”? Because that seems to be the only way I feel lately – roiling and ready for a fight, jaw clenched tight against the taste of your name.