have you ever liked someone so much that it literally breaks your heart when you aren't talking to them or you feel their exact pain when they're sad or angry and when you're with them you wish time would stop for eternity, just so you could stay in their arms for a little longer
have you ever liked someone so much that you're terrified at the same time because at any moment that love could just stop feelings that were once mutual could become one sided, and you're left alone with memories of what you used to have
have you ever liked someone so much that you trust them with all of your heart you give them everything you have left just to make them happy and you spend all of your time thinking about them even though they're the one who could break you in an instant; you trust them anyway
have you ever liked someone so much that you write about them because you never want to forget these feelings even if things end up not working out because these are the best days of your life and if you hadn't met this person nothing would be the same