Joy was a dream I once had My happiness is fake and imbibed, Well really, contrived Because no one knows my secrets And what if they ever slipped? And everyone saw me, Naked, like in dreams In public, my shame unveiled, Bare For people to see But I don’t want them to see Because what if they hate the real me?
But these things I didn’t overthink when I was a child But in adulthood we create narratives that represent us falsely to ourselves Adopting the labels others have assigned to us Threading them into the fabric of our identity
I wonder, how can I embody joy again? I’m so **** tired, and scared, and bitter And I’m worried that everyone will hate me, Or even worse, nobody even cares I guess in childhood I had more stability, Everything didn’t seem so fleeting, So cold, so dark, so lonely
I guess all I can rely on right now Is the possibly irrational notion That things will ultimately work out That I may not find the light, But I can learn to create it and sustain it within myself A reassuring ember of warmth, Guiding me into reimagining my childhood dream.