Colors dance through my mind My heart is the artist Spilling through the confines of reality Because she knows That seeing with the heart is more essential Than seeing with the eyes
Flowers bloom in my tailored, skull encased reality My senses light up as if on fire My mind has trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy I clench my hands As if to anchor myself But then I release, Knowing that I must allow myself to be carried within the ambiguous sea
Hatred is heavy like lead Weighing me down in my chest And causing too much air in my mind Rotations of thoughts That illicit bitterness I point my finger and scream “Phonies!” At the world But the world is also me, Phony, eager to please
Some symphonies are composed by harmony and beauty, Peace and integrity But unsuspected symphonies of chaos, malice and disorder Crash into the melodic symphony And cause disharmony, Sadness, Confusion
Though, at times I’ve fancied the idea of eradicating the chaotic symphony altogether, I find more beauty In entertaining both the sadness and joy in my life Inviting both to my table Because I can see beauty in the sadness And I find also beauty in the joy.