the things i feel & mostly what i think about every face i see when walking home at 5 am, at 5 pm, when the sun is grudgingly coming to terms with the night, they are ephemeral & strong entering like belligerent intruders, & even if i always leave my door open words & images filter in through the window
the cracks in the cement speak to the cracks of my mind & the sound of a man yelling at someone else on the phone far away brings the sound of trumpets to my mind i have no way of conveying this to you or to anyone i may exchange words with. words, in any tongue, offer no justice to the things of this life & my perceptions
for i am made up of a thousand different things endless comings & goings of happenings & circumstance. the memories alone could fill volumes, but it is not of any significance like i had once, rather naively, dreamt. this life, marked by a series of omens is mine & mine alone to ***** i hold the present loosely in my palm
in the faces of others, that fade in & out i see myself & every other man who has walked this earth alone & in the company of other strangers. they reappear untouched by the passage of time. just as my being seems to go on regardless of the slow rot that is this lonely communal life.
at first, i kept my distance, for fear that you might burn down this secret garden of myself, timidly opened up to a slash & burn of the field where others had all planted seeds & where many things had lived & died before then when i thought i knew you, i hoped that you could get wild flowers growing along the endless edges of my blooming mind
as with all things, the signs & symbols spoke to me in an incomprehensible poetry & itβs only just now that i come to realize your incompetence is not yours alone but that of us all, who understand that to be alive is to inhale the sharp beauty that wears the clothes of stimulation & death. these human ashes will feed the greenery to come
i nod my head & acknowledge that this is what it is & what it shall always be, release my grip & shall merely go along for the ride