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Mar 2013
& then we are cleansed of all.

there remains no sticky mess

of interwined reasonings,

tracing the sense of everything

we feel for once & conclude

this is the best way, to see

where were we headed before?

it had no truthful meaning.

what we pushed & tugged at,

for what vanity to claim purpose,

the understanding was opaque

at best, clarity poorly skewed

where would I turn to face

myself? flourscent knowledge

makes it much too sore

for my perceptive orbs.

who taxes & pays theirself?

coming full circle too little,

too often, to seek & find

the deepest of wells leaking

would you say the key                            

has amorphous qualities?

but usually illuminations where

the warmth is underlined.

& then all we are is cleansed,

existence becomes slick,

frictions ceases to irriate,

tracing the sense of everything
La Jongleuse
Written by
La Jongleuse  France
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