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Mar 2013
I don't know if
you remember
as vividly as I do
find it hard to believe
that you would
you're off in another
another world
and ******* the
seems greener
over there

I don't know if you
remember any of it
but I do
--an ability that
has proved to be
as much curse as blessing--

I don't know if you remember
or just laugh and smile
and play along
when I bring up the past
a past that seems more and
more one-sided as the years
grow longer
a past where I believed in things
as vain or valiant as love
or war
or peace
we made the first two
on several occasions
--never could grasp the third--

I was young
you were smart
and I was exactly what you needed
for the time you needed me
that's that
everything after has been
ripples in the pond
growing smaller and further
from the initial splash
with every touch

I don't know if you remember
like I do
maybe you still think about it
when he's gone
off on some trip
leaving you alone with
maybe not
it's all a new world now
I'm not so young anymore
but you're still smarter
over there
in that new life

I swear that grass looks greener
Written by
Craig Verlin  San Francisco
(San Francisco)   
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