I try to hide it Mask it Fake it Suppress it If I cry I'm weak right? No one can see me cry I hide my face in my arms Head down My eyes have blown my cover My heart getting quicker My thoughts getting bitter I must look up for a while Smile Pretend That everything is okay in the end But it's not... not now I wish I could hide But I have no where to abide So I stay low And not let people know I'm about to break The suppression of what they call a freak I runaway From everyone who comes my way There's no escape for me I have to face reality I need help Voices strangle those thoughts of "it's okay to get help"
I wish it were easy Life is not breezy It hurts It will hit hard where it hurts But keep trying Never give up or stop trying
You are needed You are worth while You are special You are loved You are strong You are capable You are beautiful.
As much as I wish I could do this I can't. Speak out about your struggles, people may find your story inspiring to others.