The outlines blurred gut-wrenching insufficient like tearing them out pulling so hard on the same strip of fabric It just won't tear And the salt and the tears and the blur And I can't do it. I just can't. But I want to. And I try and try but it's just not getting there. Snot.
Reaching back, looking back. It's not regret; it's something, longing wondering why all those years won't blur like the words on the page in front of me And I'm so self-centered And I'm so stuck But I want to do. I want to live.
But how?
Forget that. This is now. Heidegger beckons. Deep breaths. Wipe away the tears. Take off these ******* pajamas. Stop holding back. Do what I know needs to be done. Listen to that song a 3rd time. But actually listen this time. 'You'll succeed at last.' Paint your eyes & pick out clothes. Just like you always have. Know they don't care. But write anyway. Know it could all be in vain. But do it anyway. Wonder if you'll be able to read this once I've finished Is this a poem? I can't see ****. I know I don't know. end of the page = action