Day upon day..........I sit and think. Time passes and I do a bit more........then eventually I get fed up and I get out of my front door. Believe it or not that is when I realise there is more to this world than myself and what has happened to me before. Trouble is, I start to dream and see life for what it should be or could be and it is so difficult to separate the two.......... Still good whilst it lasts as it gives me energy to survive even if it is short lived it sure is a good feeling and I enjoy its blasts....... I am hoping there shall be more of the latter as the focusing and self- belief is surely hehe what matters........ Day upon day......... Let us say, that inside of us there is power to establish a new routine, a new way of projecting many thoughts , to keep the inner candle burning and yearning for more......... for now I shut this door but I hope soon I shall be able to see more..........