The world is a rogue wave in an otherwise tranquil cacophony. Like porridge in a squeaky door hinge too sleepy to be orange. The jawbone of an *** at rest on a window sill. next to a Pi. The world, a smoldering flume of genius, unbridled, by and by. a continuous ravine of asymmetrical adoration. as we inhabit the foreign, native to Fate.
We sing the body eclectic in a percolating rue of an infinite gumbo. Like Venice, with Florence in its teeth. our pompadours- shameless for sport. The heart of a battle trout in a river of Trojan lures are We! dangling from a current as swift as any eventuality. An upstream vagabond of illustrious toil in the wee hours. Common as weevils in a Gin. sweetening the palate of an unctuous ablution.
sleeping through the good parts our eyes on spikes in the dark.