boot up each morning, ******* their combat boots and ride into the battle of prattle.
Floods of wireless information burn their wires, blow their fuses. With fusions and acquisitions they acquire higher positions.
Detrimental turnover data talk turns them over, upside down, up and down the escalators till they escalate, deviate.
Spiked punch in one hand they punch their boss in the face, face trial, try rehab: habitually helps reboot. En route …
They learn that living without wires rocks, they figure figures rock their world no more, they shed their armor, breastplates, hard as rocks, when inspiration comes knocking at their door.
They learn to cherish nature, the divine, their limbs grow flesh where only metal dwelt, so do their cheeks flash in a healthy shine and from their lips a firy spell is spelt.
They sculpt and paint do yoga and restore, their empty batteries, their fuses blown they blow their money at the wellness store, And finally, anew they find their own.
Afresh they get back home, where bills grew roots they turn their router on, ******* their combat boots.