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Sep 2019
awakened by the soft murmur.
beauty gradually unfolding.

old gothic buildings, staring like steal and concrete giants.

the harbor bustling against the azure.

i've always enjoyed walking town alone.
a recluse with poems in pocket- some better than others.

sparrows fluttering about the mist.
the old age reincarnated.

miles of coastline...
one of the 7 wonders.

seagull cries echoing through wooden foundations.

i'd like to press my heart against the scenery -
so that i might implant my soul within this naturalistic view.

after walking for hours, i decided to grab a seat on a small bench.

i stared off into the blue and white foamy nothingness.

there must have been hundreds of people that walked past me.

how badly i'd like to spark up a conversation,
but no one sees me.
except of course,
the sea.
Written by
TheConcretePoet  Isle of Poet
(Isle of Poet)   
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