When my feet had left the ground it felt like I was flying, Nothing between the ground and my feet, slowly prying. Than I realized, after a moment, that I was never flying at all, All along, I was on my way, to my biggest fall. I was so caught up I couldn't see, What was actually in store for me. Now I'm stuck in mid air, with two ways to go, a fork in the path, a split in the road. It seems I come up short every time, But is it worth every try? All I know is I'm in need, Of something bigger, I share my plead. I need my eyes to open up and my heart to not give in There are things that are strong, but nothing as powerful as Him. I fail in many things, I'm greedy, foolish and I have a short temper, but if I dwell in those, I might forget, to remember. He is stronger than than all the wrong, And when I am weak he is strong.