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Aug 2019
In the prisoner's eyes,
We behold what real pain is:
Ostracized to chains,
******* his fate,
Bruised and brutalised,
Treated with animal instinct,
Mercilessly tortured,
Soaked in his own blood,
His knee amputated,
And groaning in pain...

The prisoner lays helpless and
Caged for being loyal to his cause,
For loving his motherland,
For defying the odds and joining the resistance,
For fighting the oppressive regime
He is accused of treacherous treason
"A rebel!" they call him
Sentenced to the gallows by command,
And not Jury.
In a few days,
He is to be hanged.
Harry Mwesigwa
Written by
Harry Mwesigwa  18/M/Uganda
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