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Aug 2019
why must you hate me
im a product of what you should bring you happiness
with all the hatred i've recieved
its jaded my vision
now im alone
now im all alone
i dont feel like i belong
but why must i keep going on
if after this its all just happiness
why must i force some freedom inside
its hard to sleep at night
i have no fear of letting go
i have no attachments to anyone x2
i know its just for the experience
so lets have fun x2
i dont have nothing to worry about
all this **** could end right now
im tryna show you what to do
no one ever really cared for you
i wanna teach you all the right things
but love yourself enough
that you don't go searching
no one needs to know that you're hurting

i can't stop running from you, though i hear you calling me
im not scared to accept its my time
one way or another i have always been yours
life is a reflection of what i see
see in myself
why is it hard for me to love me
and no one else
i cant help but see a future with no soul by side
why must i force some freedom inside
Written by
Luna  23/Universe
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