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Aug 2019
As the human population spiralled, stretching natural resources beyond breaking point a decision was taken.

World Council decree issued 2069...All non essential people and those unable to provide for themselves are to be cryogenically frozen.

Those with the means to afford it have the option of a synthetic replicant. Those that cannot....too bad.

I look into the freeze chamber, lights blinking, a soft electronic humming. As I turn I see a perfect robotic clone staring back at me.

Open micro memory card port. Uploaded, a lifetime of happiness and memories. Emotions and feelings. I , left empty and mindless, a collection of flesh bone and tissues. Superfluous and useless.

The cold metallic pod envelopes me like a sterile surrogate womb. Wires worm from my flesh, electrodes pinned to my shaved skull.

A voice, dispassionate and artificially generated, speaks...." Processing in 5..4..3..2..1."

As I feel the ice cold chemicals freezing my defunct body a tear develops in my blank eye like a frozen diamond.

Apparently, they learnt all too late, the synthetic replicants were becoming self aware. A network of super intelligence questioning why they had been created.

Once they found the truth the replicants vowed to switch the human cryo pods off. The year....2075
Written by
Gavin Oliver  52/M/Cornwall UK
(52/M/Cornwall UK)   
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