I have what I want, when I want it. -but it's never quite soon enough. -but it's never quite big enough. the world is Mine and it lies in front of Me. -behind the blank white -behind the blinking black however, My time is best spent watching the girls who are just itching to rip their clothes off. I pay no attention to My people in need. why would I? when I get the approval from those nearest Me, those with the influence in My world. yes, I let the dragons live (and throw them some lamb chops from time to time) -and as I change -and as I grow, My wants get bigger and hungrier. see, -only he that sports the crown can wrinkle his nose at the plate of bounty laced with perfection. -only he who is trapped inside a blank room can find the time to tear its contents into pieces. My eyes are too young for binoculars -I let the dragons live -I let the girls stand bare -I let my people tie their nooses -I let the sun run dry cause it'll keep burning at least until i'm thrown off throne.