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Aug 2019
Sometimes its fine to cry. I tell myself that.
It’s fine to feel alone, hopeless and lost.  
It’s fine to doubt yourself and people in your life.
To question everything you know and believe in.

They say that its in moments where you are really struggling you realise who your true friends are.
Who you reach out to. Who reaches out to you. Who cares. Really cares. Like really really cares.
Movies and books have instilled in me how a friend should be.
A good friend. A real friend. A true friend.
You know someone who makes your problems there own.

But in real life does that happen and the real question here is - do you do that?  And you know the answer to that.
You don’t .
Then how can you expect others to.
Written by
Mustmusings  29/F/Melbourne
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