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Aug 2019
it can be so hard.
it can be so hard when it feels like everything is going wrong today.
it can be so hard when your world seems to just be falling apart.
it can be so hard, day by day, night by night.
it can be so hard trying to push through
that darkness that seems to always be there.
that seems to always be following you.
that seems to always hunt you down, like it knows where you are.
like it knows what you do.
like it knows just who you are, even if you dont.
deep breaths.
theres light.
it chases that darkness away.
it chases that sadness away.
it chases away that desperation.
that fear.
that worry.
that loneliness.
it chases it away.
deep breaths.
it wraps around you.
enveloping you in its self.
it feels like its trapping you.
but your not hurt.
your not scared.
deep breaths.
you feel warmth.
you feel love.
you feel soft.
and calm.
and good.
you feel happy.
and that is good.
and that is ok to you.
you are calm.
and you are ok again.
deep breaths.
Life isnt perfect, and neither are you. There will be dark days, just like there will be bright ones. There will be days where you cant even leave your bed because it hurts that bad. But its ok. Its ok to not be ok, because your human. You cant always be ok, but you cant always be not ok too. Emotions can flow at random, and it can be confusing and scary, but its ok. You can pull yourself through anything. Your strong and capable, and no matter how dark it seems, you will be able to get up and push and pull and launch your way through that darkness and back into the light. And your not alone. Everyone feels like this sometimes, and there will always be someone there for you to lift you back onto your feet and help you along the way to the light. You just have to open your eyes, reach out, grab those hands, and pull yourself up with those who are waiting to help you. Drink some water, eat at least one meal, take your meds (responsibly), get some sleep, you are loved!!
Written by
Xeki  19/Trans/Washington
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