If I were a soldier of afternoon I would take my sword and fight for her a thousand If I were a sailor of west I would win the endless sea and die in shore sand.. If I were a hunter of midnight I would live with a wolf and place my prey before your feet If I were a Irishman poet I would write your life as long live poetry in dank blue sheet.. But I was man with hope in eyes And I was a boy dreaming I had a soul dying though I had a heart breathing !
But if I were a child of snow I would make your frosty and cold And if I were old mad painter I would use blue and gray to sketch you bold So if I were a mountain I would echo your name in every wind's sigh And if I were a eternal sky I would search you in cliffs so far so high But I was young man I had just a young song And I was just wondering kid I will wander in vain for so long ..