The poet writes on how it started with a little white lie, you know... the kind when he says she was so fine, but she never even said hello Still.
I came to see that love is a wildfire, making ashes of the past While clearing those places in the heart where tomorrow can grow.
I would count the echoes of her heartbeat as she sleeps, as if each one was another promise Cupid did keep & when she awakens, I fall again into the shelter of her love.
she would heal me over time not with a word or a touch but by being there where the tears start & no one else ever cared to hear.
I searched for any hidden meanings behind her Mona Lisa smile but all I found was the loneliness she had forgotten when ever I was around.
I covet the feel of her hair brushing my cheek as we kiss, I yearn for the warmth of her when the sunsets... but mostly, I cry for the sound of her heart to help.