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Mar 2013
Hi, my name is Autumn and I’m an addict
If you knew me, you’d know my life was tragic
Prescription drug abuse and two eating disorders
couldn’t get me down
The thought of my past, however,
is enough to make me frown
I look in the mirror, and I see my mother’s figure
The resemblance is so quaint, it makes me shiver
I look in the mirror, and I see her nose

I’ve gone through a lot, and in my face it shows

I was very young, not even eight years old
When my mother turned to alcohol and began to grow cold
She would always reprimand my father, calling him a ****
Just because he spent all of his time at work
Her boyfriends would come, and they would go
Mother cheated on them while they were babysitting me,
Little did they know
Her hands looked so delicate, but they dealt me much damage
Yet a sweet, polite young lady was something
I could always manage
The truth is, she was never truly emotionally attached to me
Her life was not at all like she wanted it to be
She blamed it on me, but you’d never hear her say it
Always calling me a pest, useless, a *******
I never had a childhood,
I had to babysit mother like any good daughter would
so I’m like a callous disney princess
Hating the world, yet still sweet,
looking for a palace and a prince to meet

I can’t hate my mother, no matter how hard I try
She still has this power over me, this I can’t deny
I live with my grandmother now, from my father’s side
Karma got Mother, her unhappiness she tries to hide
Although our relationship has improved
The scars will never subside
Autumn Rae
Written by
Autumn Rae
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