Life is balanced in every way Each aspect makes sense and aligns, Yet some anomalies slip into life, Manifesting themselves into mine
Like how my emotions can become a roaring blaze, Every thought becoming tinder for the fire Yet some days my mind is a perpetual flatline And all I can feel is tired
Or how I'm told I'm the happiest person alive and when I'm drunk on life’s high that’s true But in solitude I'm no stranger to with crying The happiness hangover is nothing new
I’ll obsess about when the future arrives, anxiously preparing for his visit to me that when he asks to look at my memory books there will be nothing for him to see
Time’s sands seem abundant in my hands Leaving with more than i know what to do with Somehow all the same its grains are disappearing Cascading out from between my fingertips
The most important paradox though, Is the one that I will always grip tight, Even when the world is crashing down Everything will be alright