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Mar 2013
My love why have you left me?
I cannot breathe any more
Everything I do hurts
You’re promised that you wouldn’t leave, that you’d love me forever
But you lied.
You lied to me.
You’re not here, not anymore
I sit in cry in my dark room
Feelings brood around me and I don’t know what to do
I’m wondering what I have done wrong
I glace at my bathroom door
I get up and let myself walk to that door
I start the water and rest in it
But it’s not helping, just making my tears flow more, so much more
I think of this warmth, warmth that used to be provide by you
But now it’s just cold, cold and lonely
I look to my side where a lonely piece of metal sits
I grab it and clutch it to my now erratic chest
I let it slide across my skin, everywhere I can reach.
I see the bath water turn red and I silently sigh
I let go
Angel Hoffer
Written by
Angel Hoffer  South Dakota
(South Dakota)   
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