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Mar 2013
Overshadowed City
I don’t need to look it up if the room is dark and hysterical
crazy as it will ever be and out of my peripheral vision comes the world’s longest highway
a place where no indicator will tell me if she wishes to tell me something important
a place where people go and ride forever into the breeze of the crying air
just the one part lets me drift alone into the words once again
I can’t remember anything about riding on that highway but the inspiration it gave me
for it would be my transport to years in shadows (if I only could control it)
but it looked at me for I am unrecognizable to the river below it
by the beaches of the longest highway in existence I snapped a glance at you
your beauty flowing with the air; the wind blowing gently across my hair
the sounds of cars and trucks above us and you smiling made me assured
that anything is possible if i just put my mind to it
all that time I just sat there imagining the walls breaking
only to find that those dreams were reality (and this is a dream?)
the answer to my problems, the end to and
I won’t keep the car running if I don’t have to
the colors start to fade as night falls in the city overshadowed by the longest highway in the world
lights up the world from the Universe’s point of view
I begin to follow you where ever you go
to find myself with you the whole time
I don’t need some assurance to know if this real or not
this moment, this truth is reality
no matter how much I want this city to be
tonight I will wish I can visit once again
but the sky keeps falling and will shatter into a million pieces
piercing the air making it cry tears of blood
with that nightmare I’ll wake up
one day
next to you.
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