There is a meadow in my mind, a place of sacred mystery where an endless sea of bluebonnets wave when they see me on the far side of the barbed wire strands. I am no stranger, it seems. A weathered oak, scarred by lightening and the anguishes of time, knows my name, and the cluster of muted green cedar bushes swing their arms like children begging for an embrace.
Shoes in hand, I wiggle my toes into the warm, fertile earth and I am captured by a current of life, electrified by a surging stream of energy. Oneness, often imagined, overwhelms. Here everything connects. All things matter. One heart beats for all and I gasp at my deep belonging. It is as if I am birthed again as creation's beloved child.
There is a meadow in my mind and I am sure I have sat among these fragrant flowers before.