It was an act of purest love That required her to **** him . . .
The bond between them was forged Over so many years of going in the same direction— Fighting the same fight Siblings alike in manner Muse and cause
Her eyes were like spear points Spinning in carefully veiled compassion Over what she must do next
He lay still as stone Looking now as he once had before . . . Her pride slipped then finally dying in Angry Joy Savage and sharp as a Bitter Molten Sword
She deeply knew this Blood Price must be paid But the balance of things Lost Forever Stilled her hand a few moments longer—
Favoring him with calm examination She was at a loss for words But there was no one to tell anyway— And once done would haunt her ever more
So with defiant resignation And tolerant acceptance She clamped it all together And did what she had avoided for much too long
Her counsel cleared . . . Her actions deliberate
Then against the bronze-rose colored wall A woman’s silhouette breathed— Moved