It's not to get medicinalized, It's not about analyzing or string theory or computer programming, When they're not trying to be funny but you're laughing, I'm facing you because you're talking and I don't want you to be alone in your head but I don't want to be in your head with you. So I'm quiet. And I'm analyzing in my head something way complicated when the atmosphere is simple. I don't dare to speak. Because I don't know what will come out of my mouth or if it's true. I quietly ride the waves of knowledge and complication and the complex simplicity of the song that's playing. I blindly ride the waves and I don't hold my breath when they're over my head. I quietly sink, but only in an armchair. I'm still facing you because you're talking, but I don't know the topic of the conversation because I was surfing and someone is waiting for you to answer their question and I'm nowhere near the front of the line.