We've stood togther at the crossroads I've always been ready at the fork in the road With my boots strapped tight and a map in hand Trying to help lessen the weight of the load
We are never there alone though So my offered guidance you refuse You hand half the load to stubbornness And one of you two choose
My choice is to follow along cautiously Or head down a different road alone Leaving you and your friend stubbornness To venture off with all I own
Before I know whats happening I'm following in the rear Lead down the path you've taken On a dark road to despair
It's the same story everytime You eventually regret the choice It's always here, in the middle of no where You start to hear my voice
Miles back, in the light of day I stood to block the way But it wasn't my decision then So you chose to ignore what I had to say
Here in the darkness, surronded by danger Huddled next to me, your friend stubborness becomes a stranger Suddenly you depend on me I'm looked at as the game changer
Thats when the tables turn Now I'm handed all the gear The strength you both had earlier Has crumbled into fear
I get us to the otherside We are grateful to be alive For a short time I'm the hero I'm the reason we survived
But like a circle goes around The cycle starts anew At the beginning of another crossroad I'm left following stubborness and you